Hello World

Written on February 11, 2015

Hi there!

This is the first post in our brand new blog.

What can you expect here? Well, we'll post sporadically about things that may be of interest, such as: new features, stuff we learned, changes in our technology stack, excuses for why we did things the way we did them.

We'll probably not post so much about evenings where we all go bowling (even those happen very regularly).

Also: let's be totally honest here. A blog is a great place to build up a lucious meadow of keywords for the Googlebot to graze on. So that's also a reason why we've started this blog.


This blog is created using Jekyll, a static site generator. The philosophy behind it is explained by its creator here. One of the many advantages of Jekyll is that there's no futzing around with Wordpress and databases. We like simple solutions.

And so our first post draws to an end. Help us celebrate this momentous occassion by leaving behind a comment below.

So long, Kittysplit.

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